The breeze rustles through the leaves of the trees and the patch of nearby bamboo. Birdsong is everywhere, chirping and trilling amongst the canopy, cawing from the crows on the wing and the cocks compete to decide who yells the best.
In nature I am one, I am whole, and it is rewarding to share this precious glimpse with you. All shades of green present themselves in this place, the new, fresh, yellow lime of the emerging hazel, the brooding dark of the swaying bamboo, deep and sombre ivy creeps imperceptibly towards the sky, the fluffy clouds breaking up the royal blue, streaked only by wisps of hundreds of passengers scoring the air thousands of metres above.
A shriek breaks the quietude, the splendour of peace and tranquillity shattered for an instant but returned intact. The jay didn’t mean to upset you, it was only crying out a warning to those close by.
Foliage and fronds beckon from their shady homes, offering a fleeting view of another world, of life in its most varied but eternal form. Flies flit from point to place, interest on a different plane, but all are welcome here; all respected and revered.
Wrens hide, red squirrels gambol through the branches and blackbirds flick the old worn-out leaves to expose tasty morsels. The cooing of pigeons and doves reassure a tired mind that life goes on whatever the circumstances and that love abounds.
How can it not in such a place? A place where plants and animals of all kind work together in harmony, easing each other’s burden, but prolonging their own lives and those of their families.
Life can’t be anything but good here – it’s something we should never forget and something that nature teaches us every day, if only we’d take the time to listen to it and allow it to pass on its message.