It creates a strange feeling in me. I don’t want this to be hidden. I want to honour and respect those who died. It took me all my time and effort to not burst into tears as I walked around the village. It was so, so sad and so inhumane, and it made me question what drives a person, or in this case group of people, to do such a thing?
I don’t expect answers. I guess I don’t really need answers. But I do want to do right by those who have fallen. We should never forget. And we should never forget what man is capable of doing to man.
I didn’t feel the utter terror of course, but it does turn my mind to those people currently in the world who are suffering terribly in war zones, or who are fleeing in an effort to be safe. What can I do? One little voice in a sea of so many?
Well one thing I can do is write this. I will write more. I took many photographs too in an effort not to forget, and one day I will add all that to the world too so we can continue to remember and pay our respects…
Dreya B
5 months ago
&Sylvestermouse It was such a difficult and yet incredible experience. I kept wanting to apologise to the memories of these people but didn't know how. Touching some of the walls helped me to try and connect somehow. Thank you for your understanding and comments, it makes me pleased that I've managed to get some of this across.
Sylvestermouse Cynthia
5 months ago
This would be a truly difficult place to visit for someone with such a compassionate heart. Just reading the article makes me feel a tremendous sadness over the evil men do on this earth.
Dreya B
5 months ago
&Raintree Thank you! I'm so glad it came across - you never really know until someone tells you - so thank you. It was quite an experience I have to say... and yes, certainly a good reminder that we should never forget..
5 months ago
I can feel how powerful and moving you found this place through your writing, it must have been an emotional experience. Serves as a good reminder they have left it that way.
Dreya B
5 months ago
&happynutritionist Thank you Claudia. It wasn't an easy thing for me to do I admit. Taking the photos helped, but every now and then I would just sit, or lean on a wall and try to cope and understand it in some way, all the while holding myself together. I felt I needed to apologise somehow...
Dreya B
5 months ago
&abitosunshine Thank you so much Ruth. It was such a moving place. Some people may wonder why it's been left in this way but it's incredibly powerful and certainly the right thing to do. I just hope I can continue to do it and them justice...
Dreya B
5 months ago
&RenaissanceWoman Thank you Diana. It was an incredible place in such a sad and horrible way. I kept placing my hand on walls trying to connect/apologise/repair things somehow - very touching and emotive place. I have to admit to having disturbed dreams last night...
Dreya B
5 months ago
&stereomike83 Thanks Mike - I wasn't sure if it would come across in the writing. Such an emotive place and you're right there really aren't the words...
Claudia Meydrech
5 months ago
And just the fact that you took it all in is admirable...I have a very hard time viewing such parts of history...thank you for taking time to share.
Ruth Cox
5 months ago
I can not begin to imagine what it must have felt like to walk throughout this village where such vile crimes against its inhabitants took place. Yes, we must remember, must never forget. And it is an honorable thing you are doing with your writing, in memory of lives lost here.
5 months ago
I would have been entirely haunted by the horror of what happened there. What you have done is so vital and incredibly important (honoring the memory of the victims). Thank you for using your gifts in ways that matter greatly.
Mike H
5 months ago
I don't think there are words that can really explain a place like this but thanks for writing as it does convey the emotions.