In fact the title represents me; a description of my inner workings and perhaps even my state of mind. Whether it’s true or not, I sometimes feel like I am a woman of extremes. I never seem to have enough time to do all the things I want, and there always seems to be numerous ideas on the go in my head; all that without exploring the other aspects of life I’ve not had a chance to pay attention to yet. There’s so much going on that sometimes it can be overwhelming.
What I’ve discovered however is that I’ll go from times in my life when the world is my oyster and all manner of thoughts are spinning around my head, to moments when in all honesty, I could describe myself a bored. Me, bored? I’m never bored! Actually it’s true – I can be, or so I think…
No wonder I moved to France in search of a simpler life – but is it, and have I found it? Well, yes and no. Wherever you go in the world there are always the aspects of daily living that need attention; whether that’s figuring out where the next meal comes from by either growing it yourself or making sure you have enough money to go out and buy it, or knowing where you’re going to sleep that night, but if we are lucky enough to be able to meet these basic needs hopefully we then aspire to something more. That could be greater knowledge, learning and skills or material things and acquisitions, whichever it is depends on the individual.
As writers we generally like to explore, be it the world around us or the inner workings of our mind and our lives. I like to do both, consciously and also without realising it. Whether this is self-indulgent claptrap or insightful rflections and learning, it’s up to you to decide.
What I’ve come to realise through this particular thought process is that it’s not boredom as such, but lack of inspiration. From bonkers to boring, is a good description of me, but not necessarily me as a person, but the affect my life is having on me and the inspiration I have at any one moment. When I say I’m bored, it’s actually a case of lacking inspiration. Nothing is appealing to me at that time. It’s not the fact that I have nothing to do it’s the fact that I have nothing that’s inspiring me, nothing that’s calling to me.
This could be a fundamental truth and the penny just hadn’t dropped in my mind, but if I learn and hang on to this particular lesson then I can know that the next time ‘boredom’ hits that not only is it that I’m just not inspired at that moment, but that I should know to treat myself gently, to be kind to myself and not get frustrated and beat myself up. With a little kindness and some gentle reassurance, I can know that these extremes are not my make up, but just a part and parcel of everyday life.